During the last several years both
business and society are undergoing substantial change. A few key examples
illustrate this change: the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico; the nuclear
catastrophe in Japan; the ongoing European debt crisis and social
movements such as “Occupy Wall Street” that have spread around the globe. All
these changes show that it is not simply single actors who are salient, but
rather networks of actors. This interconnectedness is the critical feature of
today’s reality. Value creation takes place between firms and stakeholders in
networks to achieve greater service to society. Such networks of value creation
encompass the boundary of sectors (economic, political, and societal) as well
as the degree of institutionalization (formal and informal).
Business schools are responsible for preparing new
generations of leaders for a networked globalized society in which intra- and
inter-network cooperation is key. The responsibility of business schools was
also the topic at the caucus session we conducted at the annual meeting 2011 of
the Academy of Management (AoM) (http://www.fh-hwz.ch/g3.cfm/s_page/63780/s_name/socialmovementinitiativeteaching). The focus was to assess whether there
is sufficient interest in the core challenge of nurturing humanism in
management education by creating a network of interested scholars. The shared understanding
of participants was that it matters what business schools do in educating
future leaders and managers. The participants came to the conclusion that as
educators of future leaders and as world citizens we have to foster teaching
and research that contributes to the humanistic mission of ‘People for People’.
"People for People" describes
the humanistic mission of all management: human beings helping others.
If you are interested to advance the humanistic
mission in management education please join us for our Professional Development
Workshop at the annual meeting 2012 of the Academy
of Management (AoM) in Boston. Joseph Mahoney (University of Illinois) and I organized this workshop for the following
divisions of AoM: Business
Policy and Strategy (BPS), Human Resources (HR) and the Social Issues in Management (SIM). Panelists include Sandra Waddock
(Boston College), Robert Phillips (University of Richmond), James Post (Boston
University), Tom Donaldson (University of Pennsylvania), Ed Freeman,
(University of Virginia). The workshop takes place on 03. August 2012, 2:45pm, pm
Boston Hynes Convention Center, Room 301 (http://program.aomonline.org/2012/subMenu.asp?mode=setmenu&menuid=14).
I am looking forward to see you there.
Sybille Sachs
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